Welcome to our lnstitute of Global Competency Development (IGCD)

(IGCD), a pioneering department established in January 2022, dedicated to empowering businesses and organizations to navigate the complexities of the global landscape. At IGCD, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to enhance global competitiveness and foster sustainable growth.

International Collaboration

Official Development Assistance (ODA)

Official Development Assistance assistance (ODA) is defined as government aid that promotes and specifically targets the economic development and welfare of developing countries

Human Resource Development (HRD)

Inclusive Business Solution(IBS) is a project that solves social development issues that low-income groups in developing countries face

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)

Environmental, Social, and Governance criteria are used by investors, businesses, and organizations to evaluate the sustainability and ethical impact of their operations and investments.

Global Business Consulting

We provide expert advice and guidance to organizations to help them improve their operations, achieve their goals, and solve complex business problems

Learn more about out global mission
Our Mission

To empower businesses and organizations worldwide with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to thrive in the global marketplace. We are committed to providing sustainable growth through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a globally recognized leader in competency development, renowned for our unwavering dedication to excellence, integrity, and client satisfaction. Through our expertise, diverse perspectives, and collaborative approach, we aspire to shape a future where businesses transcend borders, embrace diversity, and create meaningful impact on a global scale.


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